Loving Cup Stories has addressed the most important 20-minutes of a child’s day by
creating its Goodnight Ritual; that moment when we put our children safely to bed while assuring them that all is well, that they are loved and appreciated, that they should be proud of themselves and that they can look forward to sweet dreams and a happy tomorrow.

The Loving Cup Goodnight Ritual provides a safe space for children to share their innermost feelings with the person they most trust, before closing their eyes and drifting off to sleep.

STEP 1: Get Their Favourite Book

Bring Little Rabbit and the Grumpypoos or other favourite book along with a cup of something comforting to sip to the bed or couch with you. 

STEP 2: Start Reading and Start Creating Some Magic! 

Remember, the final 20-minutes of the day is the most important time of the day for your child. It is the time to connect profoundly, and share some love!

Quiet Time

Use this quiet, essential time to check-in with your child before they drift off to their dreams. 

The Goodnight Ritual Poem

By Canadian author and two-time Giller Prize winner Andre Alexis

Now, a drink before you sleep.
The milk is warm, the pillow cool.
A brave one deep within our book
Has tamed a dragon whom they keep
It snores and dreams of sheep
While you, my love, sail softly forth
And on through night’s dark wool
The pillow warms, the milk is cool.

As a parent or guardian you may want to ask your child...

Do you wake up excited for what your day will bring like Little Rabbit? What makes you feel excited?

Did you run into any Grumpypoos today? Did you find someone to talk to about your feelings? Do you want to talk to me about it now?

Do you find it hard to find your voice sometimes, like Little Rabbit? Do you feel better when you stand up for yourself?

“Good night. Remember I am always here to listen to you and love you."